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From the dilapidated and everyday comes the joyful and spectacular. Part theater, part spectacle, part sporting event; an unruly, new performance created in and for an empty room.

The first ever 600 HIGHWAYMEN performance, THIS TIME TOMORROW was made and performed in the basement of Duryea Presbyterian Church, the unofficial home of 600 HWM from 2009-2014. Made possible through a partnership with Blue Marble Ice Cream, who served as our pre-show box office. World premiere 2010.

Performed by:
Ben Beckley, Dan Cozzens, and Paola Di Tolla

Assistant Directors:
Alex Kveton, Ryann Weir

Developed with:
Josh Hoglund

Created with support from The Puffin Foundation.

2009: Duryea Presbyterian Church (Brooklyn, NY)
2010: Duryea Presbyterian Church – premiere (Brooklyn, NY)

THIS TIME TOMORROW was a performance experiment in merging repeatable rehearsal material with structured improvisation in performance. The performance requires each performer to juggle what has already been created and what must be created on the spot. This means that no performance repeats itself, there is always something changing.

This project began as a decision for us, Michael and Abigail, two independent theater artists, who also happen to be husband and wife, to collaborate. Inspired early on by John Cage and Merce Cunningham’s chance methods, we drew from their strategies as a means to locate a “purity” to our collaboration, preventing one person’s ideas from dominating the other.